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This is a small collection of websites I have found useful and helpful. I will be adding to them from time to time as I am constantly surfing the web and searching. In alpha order, here they are.

Bible Gateway - A site where you can search the Bible online, do passage and word lookups and find Bible studies. This all in 16 translations of the Bible and also different languages. Great site and search, I use it for all my online Bible lookups.

Cafe Jesus - This is a great place to go hang out and chat with fellow Christians. While mostly a great place to chat, it also has a prayer section and creative writers corner. All in all a great place to chill online.

e-Sword - A recent find and a good one at that. Rick Meyers has put together a simply awesome piece of FREE Bible software. The basic download includes the KJV translation, but there are many others available to download and add in. The software also includes a place to collect your notes, a search tool and many other features.

Every - Great website for anybody searching for God and real answers to life. The name implies a place specifically for students but this website has answers to questions we all face in life not just the students. Put together by Campus Crusade for Christ this should be your first stop in searching for God and life's answers.

Focus on the Family - A huge site with tons of info. Focus is headed by Dr. James Dobson, a man I highly respect and one of whose books helped me through the roughest time in my life. Resources galore include movie reviews, testimonies, readings from Dr. Dobson and other Focus staff, and much, much more.

NarniaWeb - If you love the movie as I do this site is a must. The best thing that I have ever seen to an insiders site for Christians, this site has daily updated news on the movie line coming to theaters and news on events and other happenings currently of interest in the world of Narnia. - A great production that has a bi-weekly top 10, prayer boards on the site and great promotions. Catch them on your local cable tv station, visit the site for times and shows/specials and grab some garb from their store. - Well, if you are easily offended, don't go here. This is a ministry to people addicted to pornography and they have a controversial site, using words some find offensive. I do believe it to be a very straightforward site though and many things on the site are very helpful.

Random Verse:


  For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

-John 3:17