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This is a collection of various inspirational texts and/or jokes I have received through either email or just surfing the web. While the majority are Christian-related, not all are. The ones that aren't however, are obviously not bad and I have done my best to keep it 'G' rated. Other than correcting the formatting on most of these, I did not write any of these so please do not send compliments to me. Speaking of which, if you can prove you are the author of one of these, let me know and I will give credit. Also, send me anything you would like to see here. I am always looking for more material. Happy reading!

3 Jokes

12 Rules for life

$20 bill


Airline laughter

The BC

Bible in 50 words

'-God' billboards

Brain teaser

Butterfly kisses

If Jesus came to your house

Just checking in

The Christian's manifesto

Cats and Dogs perspective

Christian pick-up lines

Church bloopers

Columbine testimony


The doll and roses


Weird family

Fat theology

The new 'Footprints'

The frogs

Funny isn't it?

God's kids

God's humor

God's thoughts

God's voicemail

God's wings

Groceries from God

His presence

Hot down here

Hu is in China?

Favorite hymns

Grandma - Acts 2:38

Iraqi jokes

I am

If you...

Is Jesus in the house?


Kid's sayings

Just for laughs

Mary's little lamb

Lessons from mom

Men's lies

Microsoft vs. General Motors

Substitute organist

New Pastor visitation

Nursing humor

Why parents get grey hair

Jesus' party

Pastor hypnosis

Thank-you for a professional

Reality check for youth

A riddle

In My Savior's Eyes

Soap and Water

Stupid Criminals


Take my Son

Ten dollahs

Thank-you Lord

Unhealthy lifestyle

What shows through?

What's wrong with our kids?

Who am I?

They wont let me in either

Southbound Yankee rules

Your angel

Christian one liners



Words Women Use

Random Verse:


  I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the end.

-Revelation 22:13